6 Liters High Speed Machine

6 Liters High Speed Machine

6 Liters High Speed Machineis one of our innovative and highly efficient equipment made in our Balaji Packaging Systems. Here we manufacture all sorts of food processing equipment. We are actually known for our quality centric products and their services. We use the best kind of raw material from the most reputed vendors. 6 Liters High Speed Machineare one of our most reached and well appreciated product from our widest product range. And we have the best team of experts who works extremely hard to deliver the best out of all products. We have these premium quality of 6 Liters High Speed Machine for sale in affordable prices.

S.No Description BPS M 8000 BPS M 4000
1 Width (mm) 1850 950
2 Depth (mm) 900 950
3 Height (mm) 2800 2800
4 Weight (kgs) 900 600
5 Drive(Each Head) Sarvo drive-1, 1 HP, 2 Nos Sarvo drive/motor-1, 1 HP, 2 Nos
6 Peak Power (KVA) 5 2.5
7 Power Consumption (Kw/hr) 4 2
8 Power Input per head 3PH 16 A 3PH 16 A
9 Cooling Water at 4c (litre per hour) 150 100
10 Sealing System Impulse Impulse
11 Production rate (Pouches per hour) 7000 to 8000 3500 to 4000
12 Filling Range(ml) 150 to 1000 150 to 1000
13 Pouch Width (mm) 150 150
14 Min&Max Pouch length (mm) 60 to 240 60 to 240
15 Film width(mm) 325 325
16 Film Type LPDE LPDE
17 Film Roll max diameter (mm) 300 300
18 Film Roll Core/Bore(mm) 75 75
19 Control System (24VDC) PLC PLC
20 20 Type of seal Central Seal Central Seal